Friday 12 April 2013

Crazy, Stupid, Love.

Ryan Gosling topless. Yeah, that's got your attention.

I never had a baby-sitter as a kid (or at any age), but I could definitely see how someone may develop an attraction to one. Anyway!

Crazy, Stupid, Love. A lot of Ryan Gosling topless images in search engines.

Crazy, Stupid, Love is about a guy who likes a girl and marries her, but then she stops liking him and so they divorce. It's slightly more complicated than that, but that's the gist of it.

Cal Weaver (Steve Carrell) meets a mysterious stranger called Jacob (Ryan Gosling) in a bar after said-happenings, and the two embark on a journey to... make love and listen to the music. A lot.

Throughout the film there are a lot of twists and turns in the plot, with some genuinely taking me by surprise (kudos). There's even a fight scene! This is the scene where I actually thought, "there has actually been a lot of effort put into this whole film to make the pieces fit together", and that isn't easy.

It's a love story. Well, maybe three intertwined love stories. Or perhaps four? There's a fair few, and they're all linked, and this is where I have a minor criticism with the film. During the fight scene, David Lindhagen (Kevin Bacon) shows up and gets involved with the tussle. It's moments like these where the plot seems to have been forced together for more drama and comedy effect, rather than naturally unravelling which detracts a little.

As I said earlier, I was taken by surprise by how things turned out. Obviously I was slightly biased with my thoughts on how it might; I assumed that there would be a happy ending, but I couldn't exactly work out how there could be with so much tension being added on with each character encounter.

I'd like to say there's a complicated love triangle, but it's more like a pentagon: son, sitter, father, wife, cheater, player, daughter, teacher, other father... okay more like a nine-sided shaped... love... affair. It's hard to explain, but entertaining to watch.

So, a story of loves, of heartbreaks, of soul mates, of game-players, game-changers, cheaters, parents, baby-sitters, teachers and a whole bunch of other stuff. I don't feel like it's a lazy film at all; I really feel like the subject matter might be clichéd and slightly flawed in places, but credit where credit is due, it entertained me.

"Hey everyone, it's just a divorce!"



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