Sunday 14 April 2013


It's gone. Blockbuster was never a place I used to frequent when younger. I heard friends talking about renting films but I was never into renting; I like to own things.

So why do I miss Blockbuster? Well, there would be times of boredom where I'd go to one of the many within a reasonable distance to grab some bargains. They had a large selection of new releases of films, games, edible items, but also a huge number of old, pre-owned or ex-rental DVDs that you could pick up for a few pounds.

I miss this. I would grab a load of films all in one go and watch them over a long period on those dull days or nights. I found a few gems in those hauls that I still have, and I know exactly where they came from.


I visited the my local Blockbuster store a few nights ago. It was shut. They had been closing down gradually over time but after they went bust I guess I should have expected it. But what do I do to find those random classics? Or those bad budget films which I've had a laugh at on many an occasion?

Well, I don't really know. I had to go to a nearby supermarket, and their selection was very limited to the newest of releases, with their prices being closer to RRP than I'm comfortable with.

So what am I going to do now for my random film finds? Well, there's always word of mouth, and I remember as a kid borrowing films from the library, but it's not the same. I like that physical copy that's a bit beaten and battered that I could pass around to friends and family knowing that I could replace it with one of the other five that sit in the quiet stores.

Online killed the high street for sure, but it killed fun too.

Elky :-)

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