Sunday 12 May 2013

Iron Man Three

Iron Man times three-hundred.

Firstly I would like to hash tag #foreveralone. Not because I was the only one in the cinema (although this was the case for this 3D showing except for one couple), it's because I'm probably the only one to say this film is actually terrible for the Iron Man franchise.

Iron Man Three 3D
As a stand-alone film for a metallic man, I'm sure it would be considered great, but continuing on from the previous two which were so good this is really disappointing. The Iron Man is a mess, the villain is laughable and it all feels like a build up to an anti-climax. Maybe the Avengers introduced something too exciting for a continuation to live up to the hype, or maybe people got lazy, but apart from the production values which are fantastic, the film falls very short.

"I'm blue daba dee daba die". This was the opening to the film; it excited me to the prospect that opening with this level of awesome would continue throughout the film. My nineties inner-self was disappointed. A New Year's Eve party is a big bang to open with and sets up the film with characters that will be linked back to later on. But it's never really as exciting as party-mode Stark.

The penned villain of the film is the Mandarin. A terrorist who targets America and the West with attacks that incinerate people. I never found his character that interesting to be honest, until later on when a twist made him much more exciting.

A character by the name of Trevor was actually the highlight of the film for me. His leer was the toast of Croydon don't you know? Trevor's character was a welcome comedic entry to an otherwise dull story, but there was always an underlying feeling in me that his character would pan out the way it did even from the start of the film.

Other bad guy characters in the film have an okay power, but are again not very exciting and are seen a mile before they're even relevant to the story. A young kid (Ty Simpkins) that Stark befriends is another comedic character that adds more interesting aspects to the film than the actual story does. If his role was bigger, it would not have been a bad thing.

This is a film about the many Iron Man suits rather than the actual Iron Man. It's fantastic seeing all the different types of suit that Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr) has created, but I don't feel like this is what Iron Man is about. Stark is about quality, not quantity, and the suits feel really weak compared to what I believed they were capable of. Iron Man previously fought aliens, but Iron Men can't even fly straight.

You don't actually see much of Iron Man throughout most of the film. It's a very limited amount of time that you actually see Stark in the suit and feels like they're trying to kill off the films. You see Stark going through a mental breakdown of sorts and while Downey does a good job of making it believable, it means the majority of the film is about a normal man. If this was to be the case, maybe they should have called the film 'Tony Stark' instead.

I don't know if it was supposed to be a trilogy but this film made it feel like the Iron Man franchise should have stopped while it was on a high if this is what it was going to turn into. A okay film but no Iron Man sequel!

And if you know how marvel films end, there's usually a small clip at the end. It really wasn't worth hanging back to see. It isn't a hint at a new marvel film and it isn't really very funny. In fact it teases at what could be elsewhere with other Marvel characters.

Tony stark will return apparently, but if it's anything like this, why bother? Make a film about Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) instead!



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