Monday 11 March 2013

Chilly, Chilli Chocolate, AMT and Me.

Apparently today, the 11th March 2013, is the coldest day in March since 1986. All I know is that it has been snowing on and off all day and it has been freezing cold!

Add to this the fact that, this evening, my train was cancelled and instead replaced by a bus service, I was in the mood for something hot to perk me up.

Enter the station shops: a pasty shop, Burger King, McDonalds, Wasabi and AMT Coffee. I decided since I had already had a Burger King meal for dinner that I should avoid anymore fast food and go for a nice hot chocolate instead. AMT wins!

To my amazement, I noticed that there was "chilli hot chocolate" on the menu, so I placed my order and waited for the gent to tip a packet of chocolate powder into a paper cup and continued to watch as he added hot milk and stirred.

Okay, so it wasn't the best production of a hot chocolate I have seen, in fact there was powdery residue on the inside of the cup, but that's not the point. It tasted good, and in that freezing cold was a blessing!

It was a nice chocolate flavour and had a slight kick from the chilli which helped to intensify the warmth it gave me. I would say that the chilli element must have been quite strong as my tolerance is quite high, so people that don't have such a tolerance to spicy may find it a bit much.

But to me it was just right! Thank you AMT Coffee for the Chilli Hot Chocolate on the coldest night of March in 27 years.



1 comment:

  1. AMT is the best coffee chain out there! Have you tried their banana steamer or white hot chocolate?
